
1952年,北京大学数 学力学系力学专业创立,这是我国大学教育中第一个力学专业。以周培源为代表的一大批著名学者为北京大学力学的创立与发展付出了他们的努力和智慧,奠定了北 京大学力学系发展的坚实基础。经过几代人的艰苦创业、辛勤耕耘,北京大学力学学科在教学、科研和基础建设等各方面取得了很大发展,为国家培养了一大批优秀 人才,很多人成为我国教育、科技、国民经济和国防建设领域的领军人物和杰出人才, 16位校友当选为中国科学院和中国工程院院士。目前,北京大学力学学科拥有中国科学院院士6人,国家“****”学者5人,长江学者特聘教授7人,国家杰 出青年获得者12人,973首席科学家1人,教育部跨世纪和新世纪人才基金获得者7人,“****学者”3人,“国家自然科学优秀青年基金项目获得者”4 人,“青年拔尖人才”1人,他们均活跃在教学和科研的第一线。同时,力学与工程科学系拥有1个国家基础科学人才培养基地、1 个教育部一级重点学科、3 个二级重点学科;力学学科下设8个博士点,还拥有一个国家自然科学基金委员会创新群体,以及2个国家教育部创新团队,是北京大学创建世界一流大学的一支重 要力量。 

在科教兴国和建设世界一流大学的背景下,北京大学力学的教学、科研、管理环境正在迅速改善, 面临难得的发展机遇,亟待引进一批优秀人才。北京大学工学院全面采用Tenure-Track体制,对于受聘人员在科研启动经费、实验室办公室条件、研究 队伍建设、薪酬等方面给予优厚待遇。我们竭诚欢迎各方英才前来应聘北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系教职,共同为北京大学力学的繁荣做出贡献。 




1.固体力学(Solid mechanics) 

2.流体力学(Fluid mechanics) 

3.力学系统与控制(Mechanical systems and control) 

4.工程力学(Engineering mechanics) 

5.生物力学与医学工程(Biomechanics and Medical Engineering) 

6.增材制造(Additive manufacturing) 





1、最新的个人履历,包括受教育情况、过去的工作情况、获奖情况和目前工作岗位,指导过的硕 士、博士研究生和合作博士后名单、参加各种专业团体情况、组织国际国内会议情况、授课情况、国际国内杂志编委、编著过的书刊、所有发表的文章和待发表的论 文列表、过去5年内做的邀请报告、过去5年的研究经费的情况等; 




应聘材料可发至或邮至:刘 文 女士 

邮 箱:hr@coe.pku.edu.cn  liuwen@pku.edu.cn litt@pku.edu.cn

通讯地址:北京大学工学院 人事办公室 邮编:100871 

Post-Doctoral Fellows at BIC-ESAT in Peking University 


The Beijing Innovation Center for Engineering Science and Advanced Technology (BIC-ESAT) in Peking University (PKU) was founded in 2015 with a generous support from the Municipal Government of Beijing. The center focuses on the development of advanced manufacturing technology and energy and environmental technologies. Four research departments under the center are: 1) Advanced manufacturing and design; 2) Simulation and application of software; 3) Energy technologies; 4) Environmental technologies. 

Each department of the newly established BIC-ESAT Center will continue to recruit with a target size of 15-20 PIs/Co-PIs and 30-50 post-doctoral fellows. Each PI of the laboratory will be responsible for its research activities as well as operation and management. The BIC-ESAT Center invites applications for post-doctoral fellow positions in following research areas: 

Advanced Manufacturing and Design Department 

1.Develop advanced materials/structures and metamaterials based on 3D printing technology; 

2.Use 3D printing facilities of two photon direct writing, UV curing and droplet based inkjet techniques, explore new physical and mechanical material behaviors of designed microstructures; 

3.Advanced robotics including dynamic bipedal walking, wearable robots and rehabilitation devices; 

4.Human-robot systems including BCI based methods, bio-signal processing, neural systems. 

Simulation and Application of Software Department 

1. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) related area; 

2. Aerodynamics and heat transfer of turbomachinery, i.e. turbines and compressors; 

3. CFD software development; 

4. Unsteady flows and flow mixing for internal flows. 

Energy Technology Department 

1. Unconventional oil and gas (e.g., shale oil/gas, CBM, hydrate); 

2. Mechanisms for flow in complex porous media; 

3. Low carbon technologies; 

4. Broadly defined energy technologies. 

Environmental Technology Department 

1. Measurement of radicals and trace components in the atmosphere with advanced optical and mass spectroscopy, experience with ultra-fast laser, QCL, CIMS, PTR-MS, HR-AMS or SPAMS preferred; 

2. Using Raman Lidar to measure profiles of temperature, RH, and aerosol in the lower atmosphere; 

3. On-line source apportionment of PM in the atmosphere; 

4. Studies on health effects of air pollutants based on measurements of biomarkers and metabolomics, experience with UPLC-TOF-MS preferred. 

Applicants must have a PhD degree in related fields and demonstrate a record of publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals of high international reputation. The applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, names and contact information of three references, and a statement of current and future research. 

The initial contract for post-doctoral fellows is for a period of two years with the annual salary at US$40,000-50,000, depending on qualifications. Long term research opportunities are possible at the Center. 

Kindly forward your applications to Ms. Tingting Li: 

Email: litt@pku.edu.cn 

Telephone: 86-10-62754097  

Address: Beijing Innovation Center for Engineering Science and Advanced Technology, 

Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China 





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