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2016-06-07 21:46 文章来源:中国海外人才网

青岛大学坐落在著名的海滨城市山东青岛,学校地处浮山之麓,黄海之滨,是山东省属重点综合性 大学,山东省与青岛市共建高校,山东省首批应用基础型人才培养特色名校建设单位。青岛大学纺织服装学院(系)始建于1950年,拥有山东省唯一的纺织一级 学科博士点以及纤维新材料与现代纺织国家重点实验室培育基地等10个教学科研平台。纺织工程为国家特色专业和全国工程硕士研究生教育特色工程领域。为加快 推动学院发展,建设一流纺织学科,现诚聘海内外相关专家学者加盟。 


1. 一般应在海外取得博士学位。国(境)外应聘者一般应在知名大学、科研院所、知名企业等担任副教授或相应职位;国内应聘者一般应具有省部级以上人才荣誉称号,教授或相应职称。 

2. 已取得同行公认的学术成就,有带领本学科快速发展、建成一流学科的能力。 

3. 身心健康,年龄一般不超过50周岁,特别优秀者,年龄可适当放宽。 








联系人:姜俊凯 纪朝彬 

联系电话:0532-85951142 85955849 


联系地址:中国 山东 青岛市宁夏路308号 


Qingdao University 

Public Recruitment Announcement for 

College of Textiles & Clothing 

Dean & Other Academic Key Positions 

Qingdao University is located in the famous Chinese coastal city of Qingdao in the Shandong province. Nestled in front of the Fushan Mountain and facing the Yellow Sea, it is a key comprehensive university in Shandong province, and The College of Textiles & Clothing was established in 1950, the only textile class-one classified doctoral disciplines of textile science and engineering within the province of Shandong. It also hosts the State Key Laboratory (Cultivation Base) for New fiber Materials and Modern textile, with ten teaching & research platforms. The textile engineering discipline is a nationally recognized major. In order to accelerate the development of our colleges, to build a top-notch textile discipline, we hereby invite relevant experts and scholars at home and abroad to join us. 

1.Dean of the College of Textiles & Clothing 

(1) Requires a doctoral degree in relevant fields, with an academic rank of Associate professor or above in a world famous university, well-known research institutions and enterprises. Recognized for academic achievements, he or she will lead the rapid development of textile discipline, and build its academic capability. 

(2)Good physical and psychological health, 50 years old or under. The age range can be broaden for exceptional talent. 

2.High-level talents 

Recruiting chief professor and distinguished professor, 50 years old or under. 

3.Young Scholars 

Recruiting excellent postdoctors, doctors and young outstanding talents, 35 years old or under. 

4.The qualifications, compensation and recruiting procedure are described in the 《2016 Qingdao University recruitment notice》 at the Qingdao University website

5.Contact information 

Contact Department: Qingdao University Human Resources Department 

Contact: Junkai Jiang, Chaobin Ji 

Contact number: +86-532-85951142 85955849 

E-mail: qddxrsc@163.com

Address: No. 308 Ningxia Road, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China 

Postcode: 266071

