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2015-06-03 09:38 文章来源:中国海外人才网


序号 单位名称 学科 专业或研究方向 联系方式
1 马克思主义学院 马克思主义基本原理 马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义哲学 负责人:袁祖社
马克思主义中国化研究 马克思主义中国化研究、政治学、科学社会主义与共产主义运动
思想政治教育 思想政治教育、伦理学、法学理论
政治经济学院 马克思主义哲学 马克思主义哲学
西方哲学、科学技术哲学 西方哲学或科学技术哲学
中国哲学 中国哲学
伦理学 伦理学
法学 法学
社会学 社会学
行政管理、政治学 行政管理学、政治学
2 文学院 汉语言文字学 现代汉语语法 负责人:樊烈武
语言学与应用语言学 理论语言学
比较文学与世界文学 比较文学(西方)
中国古代文学 唐宋文学
中国现当代文学 不限
秘书学 不限
课程与教学论 不限
3 历史文化学院 文物与博物馆学 博物馆学 负责人:曹伟
世界中世纪史 世界中世纪史
学科教学论 学科教学论
中国近现代史 不限
中国古代史 不限
4 教育学院 教育学原理 教育学原理、教育研究方法论 负责人:赵华荣
课程与教学论 课程论、教学论
教育技术学 (学习科学为导向)软件工程或数字化资源开发、机器人研制与教学、无障碍学习技术
教育经济与管理 教育管理学
教育史 中国教育史、外国教育史
学前教育学或特殊教育 学前教育、特殊教育
比较教育学 国别教育比较、比较教育理论研究
5 心理学院 基础心理学 认知神经科学 负责人:董增云
应用心理学 航空心理学及心理咨询与辅导
发展与教育心理学 发展心理学
6 国际商学院 社会保障 社会保障 负责人:思培峰
金融学 宏观金融或金融工程
会计学 会计学
国际贸易学 国际贸易
人口资源与环境 人口资源与环境
管理科学与工程 管理信息系统或电子商务
技术经济管理 技术经济
企业管理 市场营销或运营管理
7 新闻与传播学院 新闻学 新闻传播类 负责人:黄玲
传播学 网络与新媒体
数字媒体艺术学 动漫方向
广播电视艺术学 人际传播或言语传播方向
戏剧戏曲学或电影学或广播电视艺术学 戏剧影视类
8 外国语学院 外国语言学及应用语言学 学科教学论(课程与教学论) 负责人:马兰
俄罗斯语言文学 语言学或文学
英语语言文学 英语语言学
9 国际汉学院 汉语国际教育 汉语国际教育、语言学及应用语言学 负责人:吴殿华
10 材料科学与工程学院 材料学 光电功能材料、历史文化保护、液晶及功能高分子 负责人:杨千社
材料物理与化学 光电功能材料、历史文化保护、液晶及功能高分子
11 数学与信息科学学院 统计学 统计学 负责人:姚海洪
基础数学 基础数学
应用数学 应用数学
计算数学 计算数学
概率论与数理统计 概率论与数理统计
课程与教学论 课程与教学论
12 物理学与信息技术学院 理论物理 理论物理(含粒子物理) 负责人:卢永智
声学 应用超声
光学 不限
凝聚态物理 低维凝聚态物理
生物物理 不限
原子与分子物理 不限
电子学科 不限
光学工程 不限
13 化学化工学院 课程教学论 课程教学论 负责人:王晓
化学工程与技术 应用化学
无机化学 无机化学
有机化学 有机化学
分析化学 分析化学
高分子化学与物理 高分子化学与物理
物理化学 物理化学
一、 15 14 生命科学学院 发育生物学 分子发育 负责人:王云博
细胞生物学 细胞生物学
动物学 分子进化和分子系统学、兽类学和土壤动物学
植物学 植物信号转导、植物进化与发育分子生物学、植物基金调控
生物化学与分子生物学 生物化学与分子生物学
生态学 生物多样性的生态系统功能效应研究
15 计算机科学学院 计算机软件与理论 智能信息处理 负责人:许广玺
计算机软件与理论 量子信息学
计算机应用技术 信息安全
计算机系统结构 嵌入式系统
软件工程 软件工程
16 旅游与环境学院 自然地理学 风沙地貌和环境、干旱地区和半干旱水文水资源 负责人:李铁绳
人文地理学 社会文化地理
旅游管理学 酒店管理、会展经济与管理
地理信息系统 测绘工程
环境学科与工程 环境工程(固体废弃物处理与资源化、生态工程等)
课程与教学论(地理) 课程与教学论(地理)
17 食品工程与营养科学学院 农产品加工与贮藏工程 工程机械、食品工程 负责人:金友渔
粮食油脂与蛋白质工程 油脂化工
食品化学 功能食品、食品添加剂
食品科学 乳品科学
食品科学 分析科学
营养与食品卫生学 营养学
18 体育学院 体育教育训练学 体操方向,以竞技体操、艺术体操为主 负责人:李恒炜
体育教育训练学 小球类方向
体育教育训练学 博士专业不限,硕士舞龙舞狮方向
民族传统体育学 武术专业
体育人文社会学 体育人文社会学专业
19 美术学院 美术学 书法理论与篆刻 负责人:王育民
美术学 油画
设计艺术学 动漫
设计艺术学 环境设计
20 音乐学院 音乐学 作曲与作曲技术理论 负责人:梁玉奇
音乐学 西方音乐史
音乐学 管弦乐、声乐(美声男高音)
21 教师能力发展中心 科学教育学或发展与教育心理学 科学教育学或发展与教育心理学 负责人:李林杰
认知神经科学 认知神经科学
基础心理学 基础心理学
发展与教育心理学 教学心理与创造性
教育技术 教育技术
计算机应用技术或电子技术 教育产品开发
22 中国西部边疆研究院 民族学 新疆或西藏少数民族研究 负责人:王欣
23 高等教育研究与评估中心 高等教育学 高等教育管理 负责人:陈鹏
高等教育学、教育经济与管理 高等教育统计、测量与评价
24 西北历史环境与经济社会发展院 历史地理学 西北边疆历史地理 负责人:萧正洪 工作人员:上官娥+86-29-85303935xbhjbq@snnu.edu.cn
理论经济学 人口、资源与环境经济学
科学技术史 农业史
25 民族教育学院 少数民族双语教育 英语(双语教学研究、预科教学及研究) 负责人:冯建新+86-29-85303881工作人员:窦文阳+86-29-85307624douwenyang@snnu.edu.cn


NO. Department Discipline Major/ Research Fields Contacts
1 School of Marxist Studies Basic Principles of Marxism Basic Principles of Marxism,Marxism Philosophy Director:Zushe Yuan +86-29-85310051 Coordinator:Dong Liu +86-29-85310050 liudong@snnu.edu.cn
Research of Modern Chinese History Research of Modern Chinese History
Studies on Marxism Sinicization Studies on Marxism Sinicization
Ideological and Political Education Ideological and Political Education,Ethics,Laws
School of Politics and Economics Marxism Philosophy Marxism Philosophy
Western Philosophy,Philosophy of Science and Technology Western Philosophy,Philosophy of Science and Technology
Chinese Philosophy Chinese Philosophy
Ethics Ethics
Laws Laws
Sociology Sociology
Administrative Management,Politics Administrative Management,Politics
2 School of Chinese Language and Literature Chinese language and Philology Modern Chinese Grammar Director: Liewu Fan
Coordinator: Tongliang Wang
Linguistics & Applied Linguistics Linguistic Theories
Comparative literature &World literature The West Literature
Classic Chinese Literature Tang & Song Literature
Modern Chinese literature Unlimited
Secretarial Science Unlimited
Curriculum and Teaching Methodology Unlimited
3 School of History and Civilization Cultural Heritage and Museology Museology Director: Wei Cao +86-29-85310123 caowei@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator: Chunsheng Dong +86-29-85310060
Medieval World History Medieval Studies
Disciplinary Teaching Theory Disciplinary Teaching Theory
Chinese Modern History Unlimited
Chinese Ancient History Unlimited
4 School of Education Curriculum Theory Curriculum Theory,Teaching Theory Director:Huarong Zhao
zhaohr@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Ming Ge
Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum Theory,Teaching Theory
Education Technology Software Engineering, Digital Resources Development,   Barrier Free Learning Technology
Educational Economy and Management Educational Adminisatration
History of Education History of Chinese Education, History of Foreign Education
Preschool Education & Special Education Preschool Education,Special Education
Comparative Education National Education Comparison, Study on Theory of Comparative Education 
5 School of Psychology Basic Psychology Cognitive Neuroscience Director:Zengyun Dong 
Coordinator:Aijun Cheng 
Applied Psychology Aviation Psychology  and Psychological Counseling & Guidance
Developmental and EducationalPsychology Developmental Psychology
6 International Business School Social Insurance Social Insurance Director:Peifeng Si
Coordinator:Guangrong Zhang
Finance Macro Financial or Finance Engineering
Accounting Accounting
International Trade International Trade
Population Resource & Environment Economics Population Resource & Environment Economics
Management Science and Engineering Management Science and Engineering
Technical Economics and Management Technical Economics
Business Management Marketing or Operations Mangement
7 School of Journalism and Communication Journalism Journalism and Communication Director: Ling Huang +86-29-85310126 huangl@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator: Pengzhan Hao +86-29-85310069 hpz@snnu.edu.cn
Communication Internet and New Media
Digital Media Arts Animation
Radio and Television Arts Interpersonal Communication /Verbal Communication
Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera/ Filmology / Radio and Television Arts Theater, Film and Television
8 School of Foreign Languages Linguistics and Applied Linguistics English Curriculum and Teaching Methodology Director:  Lan Ma +86-29-85308366 malan@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator: Xingsheng Wang +86-29-85308825 wxingsh@snnu.edu.cn
Russian Language and Literature Linguistics/ Literature
English Language and Literature English Linguistics
English and American Literature
9 International School of Chinese Studies Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Linguistics &Applied Linguistics Director: Dianhua Wu +86-29-85300817 wudianhua@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator: Juncheng Dong +86-29-85303915 hxyuan@snnu.edu.cn
10 School of Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science Optoelectronic Functional Materials, Cultural Relics Protection, Liquid Crystal and Functional Polymeric Materials Director:Qianshe Yang +86-29-81530708 yangqsh@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Zhaohu Li +86-29-81530709 lizhaohu@snnu.edu.cn
Material Physics and Chemistry Optoelectronic Functional Materials, Cultural Relics Protection, Liquid Crystal and Functional Polymeric Materials
11 School of Mathematics and Information Science Statistics Statistics Director:Haihong Yao +86-29-85310233 yaohaihong@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Lifeng Wang +86-29-85310277 wanglifeng@snnu.edu.cn
Basic Mathematics Basic Mathematics
Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics
Computational Mathematics Computational Mathematics
Probability  and Statistics Probability  and Statistics
Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction
12 School of Physics and Information Technology Theoretical Physics Theoretical Physics Director:Yongzhi Lu +86-29-81530753 yzlu@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator: Li Shi +86-29-81530750 shili@snnu.edu.cn
Acoustics Applied Ultrasound
Optics Unlimited
Condensed Matter Physics Condensed Matter Physics
Biophysics Unlimited
Atomic and Molecular Physics Unlimited
Electronic Subjects Unlimited
Optical Engineering Unlimited
13 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Curriculum and Teaching Methodology Curriculum and Teaching Methodology Director:Xiao Wang +86-29-81530733 wangxiao@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Kun Li +86-29-81530726 chem@snnu.edu.cn
Chemical Engineering Applied Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry and Physics of Polymers Chemistry and Physics of Polymers
Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry
14 School of Life Sciences Developmental Biology Molecular Development Director:Yunbo Wang +86-29-85310261 ybw@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Jing Yang +86-29-85310266 skybgs@snnu.edu.cn
Cell Biology Cell Biology
Zoology Molecular Evolution, Molecular Systematics, Therology, Soil Zoology
Botany Plant Signal Transduction, Plant Evolution& Molecular Development Biology, Plant Gene Regulation
Biochemistry Biochemistry & Molecular Biology  
Ecology Biodiversity
15 School of Computer Science Computer Software Theory Intelligent Information Processing Director:Guangxi Xu +86-29-85310167 xugx@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Xin Wang +86-29-85310161 wxin@snnu.edu.cn
Computer Software Theory Quantum Information Science
Computer Application Technology Information Security
Computer System Architecture Embedded System
Software Engineering Software Engineering
16 School of Tourism & Environmental Sciences Physical Geography Aeolian landform & Water Resource Science Director: Tiesheng Li +86-29-85310522 bamboo2100@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Haibo Zheng +86-29-85310525 zhb@snnu.edu.cn
Plant Geography
Human Geography Social & Culture Geography
Urban Planning Land Evaluation and Planning
Tourism Management Hotel Management、Exhibition Economy and Management
Psychology, Management, Ecology
GIS Surveying and Mapping System
GIS or related
Environmental Science and Engineering Environmental Engineering(solid waste management, ecology engineering, etc.)
Environmental Science(environmental evaluation, environmental modification, environmental ecology, pollution ecology etc.)
Curriculum and Teaching theory(geography)) Curriculum and Teaching theory(geography)
17 School of Food Engineering and Nutritional Science Food Science Engineering Machinery Director: Youyu Jin +86-29-85310516 jinyy@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator: Wanjun Pang +86-29-85310517 pangwj@snnu.edu.cn
Agricultural Product Processing Food Technology
Food Science Animal Product Processing
Food Safety Food  Inspection and Quarantine
Food Science Agricultural Product Processing
18 School of Physical Education Physical Education & Training Gymnastics Director:Hengwei Li +86-29-85310154 tyxy@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Wenhua Lu +86-29-85310156 luwenhua@snnu.edu.cn
Physical Education
Ethnic Traditional Sports Martial Art
19 School of Fine Arts Fine Arts Calligraphy Theory Director:Yumin Wang +86-29-85310218 wym@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Deishan Li +86-29-85310210 lideshan@snnu.edu.cn
Oil Painting
Artistic Design Comic And Animation
Environment Design
20 School of Music Musicology Music Composition Director:Yuqi Liang +86-29-85310109 yql@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Yayun Li +86-29-85310111 liyayun@snnu.edu.cn
Musicology Music History(Western)
Musicology Vocal Music (Bel Canto)
21 Center for Teacher Professional Ability Development Curriculum and Teaching Theory or Developmental and Educational Psychology Curriculum and Teaching Theory or Developmental and Educational Psychology Director: Linjie Li +86-29-85303595 llj@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator: Baojun Wu +86-29-85303532 wubaojun589@163.com
Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Neuroscience
Basic Psychology Basic Psychology
Developmental and Educational Psychology Teaching Psychology and Creativity
Educational Technology Educational Technology
Computer Application Technology or Electronic Technology Education Product Development
22 Border Land of Western China Research Institute Ethnology Research on Ethnic Group  in Xinjiang or Tibet Director:Xin Wang +86-29-85300904 myzxbg@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Jin Zang +86-29-85300914 myzxbg@snnu.edu.cn
23 Higher Education Research & Evaluation Center Higher Education Higher Education Management Director:Peng Chen +86-29-85310391 chenpeng83@snnu.edu.cn Coordinator:Guobin Wu +86-29-85310390 wgb@snnu.edu.cn
Higher Education, Education Economy and Management Higher Education Statistics &Evaluation 
24 Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Socio-Economic Development Historical Geography Historical Geography Coordinator:E Shangguan +86-29-85303935 xbhjbq@snnu.edu.cn
Theory of Economics Population、Resource &Environmental  Economics
History of Science & Technology History of Agriculture
25 School of Ethnic Education Bilingual Education English Director:Jiangxin Feng +86-29-85303881 Coordinator:Wenyang Dou +86-29-85307624 douwenyang@snnu.edu.cn

二、招聘类型 Positions

The Recruitment Program of Global Experts (1000 talent plan)
The Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts
Top-notch Personnel Supporting Project for Youth of China
Chang Jiang Scholars Program
100 Talent Program of Shaanxi Province
Qu Jiang Scholars Program of Shaanxi Normal University
Other professorships and associate professorships


(一)千人计划-1000 talent plan

The applicants must
(a) have a PhD degree granted by an overseas education institution and be under 55 years old.
(b) work as professors, experts or equivalent in world-renowned overseas universities, research institutes or corporations.
(c) agree to start their work in Shaanxi Normal University within 6 months from when they are conferred 1000 talent plan experts.
(d) work at least 9 months each year in China if a long–term project contract is signed and at least 2 months each year in China if a short–term project contract is signed.
(e)be engaged in the fields of natural science, engineering technology, economics and finances, management and etc.
(f)possess world class research capability and have published several influential academic papers on top magazines in recent 5 years, or be granted international scientific awards or master important experimental skills, key technology of science and engineering .

(二)青年千人计划-The Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts

The applicants must
(a) be engaged in the fields of natural science or engineering technology and be under 40 years old.
(b) have a PhD degree granted by a world-famous overseas education institution with at least 3 years working experience abroad or have a PhD degree granted by top domestic universities with at least 5 years working experience abroad.
(c) possess formal teaching or research position in famous overseas universities, research institutes and corporations while being abroad and be outstanding enough to become leaders in your research field.
The applicants must work full-time in China when they are conferred The Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts.
If fresh graduates have made great achievements during their PhD, or applicants with outstanding achievements, it is still appropriate to apply the plan regardless of age or tenure of their posts.

(三)长江学者-Chang Jiang Scholars Program

Applicants must have a PhD degree, and also with abundant teaching and researching experience. Overseas applicants should be associate professors or at equivalent positions in famous overseas universities or research institutes. Domestic applicants should be professors or at equivalent positions.
Applicants must
(a) be qualified to fulfill the core curriculum teaching task.
(b) have made great achievements that be recognized by the domestic and international colleagues.
(c)possess innovative and strategic idea as well as have the ability of leading the discipline to catch up or maintain the international advanced level.
(d)have the ability of leadership and coordination and can lead the academic team to solve difficult issues.
Applicants must abide by professional ethics, with striving spirit and selfless dedication.
Applicants in the fields of natural science and engineering technology should not be over 45 years old. Applicants in the fields of humanities and social sciences should not be over 55 years old.
Applicants must work full time and start work within 1 year after signing the contract with Shaanxi Normal University.

(四)百人计划-100 Talent Program of Shaanxi Province

Applicants must have a PhD degree and be under 55 years old. Applicants should work full time and must accord with one of these conditions:
Applicants must
(a) be professors or equivalent in famous overseas universities, research institutes or domestic universities.
(b) have published high-quality academic papers at core journals in recent 5 years.
(c) have been awarded international or national science and technology prizes.
(d) master important experimental methods or key engineering techniques.
Applicants must
(a) hold a middle or top management position in international well-known companies.
(b) have major scientific research achievements that will promote the enterprises to enhance innovative ability and upgrade the technical products.
(c) be familiar with related segments and international rules as well as with abundant experiences in financial management, capital operation and project planning and management.
(d) be talented manager or technical personnel with significant impact in industry.

(五)曲江学者-Qu Jiang Scholars Program

Applicants must
(a) have noble morality and be integrity and rigorous in research.
(b) have the spirit of cooperation, organized skills, managerial competencies and leadership.
(c) fully fulfill job responsibility.
Applicants must have a PhD degree. Overseas applicants should be at least associate professors or at equivalent positions in famous overseas universities or research institutes. Domestic applicants should be professors or other equivalent positions.
Applicants must
(a) have abundant teaching and researching experiences.
(b) be qualified to fulfill the core curriculum teaching task.
(c) have made great achievements that be recognized by the domestic and international colleagues.
Applicants must possess innovative and strategic idea as well as have the ability of leading the discipline to catch up or maintain the international advanced level.
Applicants in the fields of natural science and engineering technology should be under 45 years old. Applicants in the fields of humanities and social sciences should be under 55 years old. The age restriction should be modulated specially for the high-level talent, but still not over 55 years old.
The contract period will be 5 years. Applicants should work at least 9 months for each year.

四、支持方式 Supporting System

(一)千人计划 –1000 Talent Plan


Experts recruited under “the Long-term project of innovative talents” could receive one-off subsidy of two million RMB in total (Tax Free) from Chinese central budget and Shaanxi Province government. Besides, annual salary system will be adopted, and annual salary can be negotiated. Experts recruited under “the Short-term project of innovative talents” will obtain one-off subsidy of 500 thousand RMB (Tax Free) from Chinese central budget and Shaanxi Province, the experts can also enjoy 50 thousand RMB per month.


University will offer an apartment with at least 220㎡which is fund-raising house. The specialists of “1000 Talent Plan” who have transferred their “staff relations” to Shaanxi Normal University will also enjoy the same housing policies as university’s employees after 8 years (Full time working). Along with other benefits including: one time setting-in allowance with amount of 300 thousand RMB, to handle the relate formalities of accompany family members, to arrange the suitable job position of spouse and to solve the enrollment of their minor-children. On the other hand, University will also provide an apartment to the specialist who has not transferred their “staff relations”.


The specialists will be provided laboratory, office, academic staffs and secretary. Based on the research project, Shaanxi Normal University will also provide the sufficient amount of research funding for the experts who are recruited under“1000 Talent Plan”. Finally, Shaanxi Normal University will implement the internationally compatible and scientifically convenient management mechanism to their scientific research.

(二)青年千人计划- The Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts

1、生活待遇:Material Amenities
Offer competitive remuneration among the same level University.
Offer an apartment which is fund-raising house with at least 160㎡, provide at least 40% house-purchase allowance and 50 thousand RMB setting-in allowance.
Give assistance for spouse to find a job position at University.
Solve the enrollment of their minor-children (one of top-5 high schools in Xi’an)
2、工作条件:Working Conditions
Offer a permanent working position as a professor
Except the research funding from the Central budget, (Allowance standards: 1-3 million RMB), Shaanxi Normal University will also provide sufficient scientific research funding.
3) 足够的办公和科研用房。
Contribute sufficient room space for scientific research.
3、外籍专家优惠政策:Other Preferential Policy for Foreign Experts
The high-level overseas talent and their accompany family member may apply for Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Cards or Multiple Entry Visa valid for 2-5 years according to the corresponding regulations.
To enjoy treatment of personal paramedics 
The high-level overseas talent and their accompany family members can pay social insurance to the Social Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China, including basic medical insurance, social pension insurance, work-related injury insurance, etc.
During the first five years in China, the income and other fees including: housing allowance, food allowance, compensation for removal, home-leave expenses and education fee of children will enjoy the pre-tax deducted policy under the rules of national tax law of People’s Republic Of China.

(三)长江学者 -Chang Jiang Scholars Program

1、 教育部支持方式

Supporting System of Ministry of Education


According to “Chang Jiang Scholars Program” from Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China, the special term professor of Chang Jiang Scholars will be offered 200 thousands RMB per year(per person) as standard bonus by Ministry of Education. Chair professor of Chang Jiang Scholars will be offered 30 thousands RMB per month (per person) as standard bonus based on their actual working time.

2、 我校支持方式

Supporting System of Shaanxi Normal University


Besides the post bonus from the Ministry of Education, Special Term professor will be also offered 200 thousands RMB per year (per person) as the University job subsidies and another wage benefits based on policies of ways and benefits of Chinese national regulation (The University job subsidies will be offered to the Special Term professor with highest standard if the employ specialist is from Shaanxi Normal University). Chair professor will be offered 30 thousands RMB as the University job subsidies based on their actual working time.


University will offer an apartment with at least 160㎡for the specialists from outside of university(which is fund-raising house). The specialists of “1000 talent plan” who have transferred their “staff relations” to Shaanxi Normal University will also enjoy the same housing policies as university’s staff after 8 years (Full time working). If the apartment is less than 180㎡, all of the apartment funds will be contributed by the University. And along with other benefits including: one time setting-in allowance with amount of 100 thousand RMB, to handle the relate formalities of accompany family members, to arrange a job position of spouse and to solve the enrollment of their minor-children. On the other hand, University will also provide an apartment to the specialists who have not transferred their “staff relations”.

3) 以项目形式提供科研配套经费,5年内特聘教授自然科学类不低于200万元人民币,人文社会科学类不低于50万元人民币(校内获聘者中已获得其他人才计划科研经费资助的不重复资助)。

To offer the scientific research funding based on the research project. The special term professor of Chang Jiang scholars in the fields of natural science will be offered at least 2 million RMB within 5 years and the special term professor of Chang Jiang scholars in the fields of social science will be offered at least 500 thousand RMB within 5 years. (If the experts of Chang Jiang scholars are from Shaanxi Normal University and have been supported by other talent projects, he will not be subsidized again)


The special term professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program will be provided laboratory, office, academic staffs and secretary (Except professors from Shaanxi Normal University)

(四)百人计划-100 Talent Program of Shaanxi Province


Each experts recruited under the 100 Talent Program will receive one-off subsidy of 1 million RMB (Tax Free), at the same time, can also enjoy at least 100 thousand RMB per year from Shaanxi Normal University and other forms of remuneration according to the national regulations, including insurance, welfare and so on.

2、为人事关系调入我校的 “百人计划”特聘专家提供不低于160 ㎡的校内集资住房一套,全职工作满8年后与校内其他职工享受同等的住房政策,并享受总额相当于160 ㎡集资住房当年模拟产权房价60%的购房补贴和安家费5万元,安置配偶工作,安排未成年子女入学;为人事关系不调入我校的特聘专家提供公寓住房;

University will offer an apartment with at least 160㎡ for the specialist from outside of university (which is fund-raising house). The specialists of “100 Talents project” who have transferred their “staff relations” to Shaanxi Normal University will also enjoy the same housing policies as University’s employees after 8 years (Full time working.). Along with other benefits including: one time setting-in allowance with amount of 50 thousand RMB, to handle the relate formalities of accompany family members, to arrange the suitable job position of spouse and to solve the enrollment of their minor-children. On the other hand, University will also provide an apartment to the specialist who has not transferred their “staff relations”.


The specialists of “100 Talent Program of Shaanxi Province” will be provided laboratory, office and academic staffs. To offer the sufficient scientific research funding based on their working contract and working plan (This funding includes the construction cost but with certain conditions).

(五)曲江学者-Qu Jiang Scholars Program of Shaanxi Normal University


To operate with annual salary system, the standard of annual salary is 200 thousands RMB/person. The annual salary will be paid monthly. The standard of grant is 80% of the average monthly salary and the rest 20 % will be granted in once after a successful evaluation at the end of the term.


To offer one-off scientific research start-up funding with amount 200 to 800 thousand RMB based on their working contract and working plan.

3、 提供科研所需的办公条件,并可根据工作需要再提供一定数量的实验室建设费,安排招收研究生和博士后研究人员。

To offer the working condition for the research needs and contribute with certain amount of construction cost of research laboratory based on the working needs. Also arrange to recruit the postgraduate students and postdoctoral research fellow.

4、 为校外获聘者提供公寓式住房以供租住。聘期满,工作成绩显著,愿意留校工作、且人事关系转入学校者,提供不低于140㎡的校内集资住房一套(全职工作满8年后与校内其他职工享受同等的住房政策),并享受总额相当于当年模拟产权房价60%的购房补贴和安家费5万元;安置配偶工作,解决未成年子女入学。

The specialists who are employed outside the university will be offered an apartment. After the working contract, the specialists with good task performance and would like to work in the university, also their staff relation are transferred into Shaanxi Normal University, who will be offered an apartment with at least 140㎡ which is fund-raising house. At the same time, they can enjoy the same housing policies as staff after 8 years (Full time working). 60% of the apartment funds (house price estimated at the current year) and along with other benefits including: setting-in allowance with amount of 50 thousand RMB, to arrange the suitable job position of spouse and to solve the enrollment of their minor-children.

五、 联系方式

联 系 人:陕西师范大学高层次人才办公室 高老师 吴老师
High-level talents office of Shaanxi Normal University Miss Gao and Mrs Wu
联系电话(Tel):+86-29-85310456 +86-29-85310455
传 真(Fax) : +86-29-85310456
Address: No.620, West Chang’an Avenue, Chang’an District, Xi’an 710119

