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2015-05-14 15:08 文章来源:中国海外人才网



四川大学化学学院已有逾百年的办学历史,具有浓郁的学术氛围和优良的办学传统。学院是国家首 批研究生培养单位,1986年开始培养博士研究生,1999年获得化学博士授予权一级学科点和2000年获得博士后流动站后,使得学院的博、硕士点涵盖了 化学所有的二级学科。学院建有“绿色化学与技术教育部重点实验室”、“环保型高分子材料国家地方联合工程实验室”、“环境友好高分子材料教育部工程研究中 心”、“四川省环境催化材料工程技术中心”等国家及部省级科研基地。2008年学院获准 “理科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地”,2009年学院化学专业被评为国家特色专业, 2010年成为首批“国家拔尖人才培养试点单位”,2011年学院放射化学学科被批准为国家特殊学科点。化学学科是四川大学211工程和985工程重点建 设学科之一。 

学院现有在职教职工170人,其中教授 47人,副教授 44人。在学院人才队伍中,目前有院士2人(其中双聘院士1人),教育部长江学者4人(其中讲座教授1人),国家杰出青年基金获得者5人(其中B类1 人),“千人计划”特聘专家1人(B类),“新世纪百千万人才工程” 国家级人选3人,国家级教学名师1人,国家优秀青年基金获得者2人,“青年千人计划”教授2人,教育部跨世纪(新世纪)优秀人才培养计划资助19人,四川 省学术和技术带头人11人。学院有国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体1个,教育部创新研究团队2个,国家级教学团队1个。初步形成了一支以院士、“千人计 划”特聘专家、长江学者、国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家级教学名师为引领,以部省学科带头人为核心,以中青年学者为骨干的师资队伍格局。 


















电 话:028-85412291 



The Recruitment ofOne Thousand Young Talents Program” specialists for College of Chemistry, Sichuan University



Ø An introduction of College of Chemistry, Sichuan University

Located in downtown Chengdu, a famous historic and cultural city known as “the land of abundance”, Sichuan University is one of China’s key universities under the direct supervision of Ministry of Education and is identified as a key high-level comprehensive research university under Project 985 and Project 211. The favorable natural environment and beautiful landscape in Chengdu Plain makes the university an ideal site for learning and carrying out research.

The history of the College of Chemistry can be dated back to 1907, when the chemistry class of the Science Department at the Sichuan School of Higher Education was first established. This long history of over 100 years has created an excellent academic atmosphere and a great educational tradition in the College of Chemistry. The college comprises several national or provincial research institutes, namely the Key Laboratory for Green Chemistry and Technology (Ministry of Education), Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Friendly Polymer Materials (Ministry of Education), Engineering Technology Center for Environment Protection and Environmental Catalytic Materials (Sichuan Province), Center for Degradable and Flame-retardant Polymeric Materials (Sichuan Key Laboratory) etc. In 2008, the college was granted the National Base of Basic Science Research and Teaching Personal Training and chemistry was recognized as one of the characteristic disciplines nationwide in 2009.In 2010, the college was granted the National Pilot Unit for Top-Notch Undergraduate Training; in 2011, radiochemistry discipline was recognized as one of the two National Special Disciplines.

The College benefits from excellent faculty and staff. Overall, the college boasts 170 teaching staff which includes 47 professors, 44 associate professors. Currently, the college has 2 academicians, 4 Changjiang Scholars from the Ministry of Education (one of which is a chaired professor), 5 awardees of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (one of which earned a type B fund), 1 specialist for the “Thousands of Talents Plan,” 3 national candidates for the “Millions of Talents Project in New Century,” 1 national teaching master, 2 professors for the “ One Thousand Young Talents Plan,” 19 awardees of the “New Century Talents Training Plan by the Ministry of Education,” 2 recipients of the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Schools, In both 2008 and 2010, the college was awarded the titles of “Innovative Research Team on Green Organic Synthesis” and “Environment-friendly Polymers” by the Ministry of Education. Other awards include the “Innovative Research Group” from The National Natural Science Foundation on the subject of “New Reaction and New Strategy of Highly Selective Organic Synthesis” in 2010 and the national teaching team on “Green Chemistry” in 2009. Thus the school has formed a team of faculty constituted of a combination of academicians (joint appointment), invited specialists of the “One Thousand Talents Plan,” Changjiang Scholars, awardees of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and the national teaching masters as the leaders with the College, provincial and ministerial academic leaders as the key forces, and young scholars as the backbone.

Besides the shared resources from Sichuan University, the school also provides staff and students with excellent facilities for teaching and doing research, such as an Equipment Center with many large-scale apparatus available.

Ø Eligibility

l Doctorate inchemistry-related major; Competency in teaching and scientific research; scientificachievements which are influential worldwide.

l PhD degree from one of the well-known overseasuniversities and 3 or more years research experience, or PhD degree from a university in China and 5 or more years teaching/research experience(for this years doctoral graduates who accomplished outstanding scientific achievements during years of PhD study, the above eligibility requirements can be waived).

l Full-time employment in overseas universities, scientific research institutions or research department of enterprises before returning to China; Being a top-notch talent among others and having potential of becoming an academic leader in the field of chemistry.

l Applicants should not be working on a full time position in China more than one year. The length of working in China refers to the time fromwhen applicants return to China to the deadline of the application

l Age below 40.

Ø Application Guide

To send us the latest curriculumvitae with the following information:

l Study & work experience

l Research interests

l Research publications, academic monographs, projects and awards

A staff will be appointed to help with the application of One Thousand Young Talents Program

Ø Salary and Conditions:

Competitive salary and conditions are offered, abundant scientific research fund and experimental offices, especially in favor of constructing researching team.Specialists inOne Thousand Young Talent Program will be provided with professorship or associate professorship according to research achievements. Salary and conditions are upon negotiations.

Ø Contact us:

University Website: http://www.scu.edu.cn/

College Website: http://chem.scu.edu.cn

ContactMs. Su Xiaoyu




