


武汉光电国家实验室(筹)(WNLO)是科技部于2003年11月批准筹建的五个国家实验室之一,由教育部、湖北省和武汉市共建, 依托华中科技大学,武汉邮电科学研究院、中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所和中国船舶重工集团公司第七一七研究所参与共建。  

WNLO是国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,也是“武汉·中国光谷”的创新研究中心。实验室 秉持“依托光谷、省部共建、资源整合、区域创新”的建设方针,努力发展成为光电科学与技术的学科创新基地、光电领域高层次、复合型、创新性人才培养基地和 光电领域国际交流与合作基地,为推动民族光电子产业进一步发展,提升我国光电产业国际竞争力提供强有力的科学与技术支撑。 

目前,WNLO下设6个功能实验室,主要开展光电子器件与集成、激光与太赫兹技术、能源光子 学、生物医学光子学、信息存储与光显示、光子辐射与探测等相关研究工作,同时和华中科技大学的相关院系共同支撑光学工程、电子科学与技术、生物医学工程和 计算机科学与技术等四个一级学科。 




1. 学科带头人 

2. **** 

3. 独立实验室的负责人 

4. 青年教师 

5. 博士后 


1. 学科带头人:具有博士学位,国外应聘者应担任高水平大学教授及以上职位或重要研究机构高级研究科学家岗位,国内应聘者应获得国家杰出青年基金资助或者获得长江学者称号,能充分发挥和利用WNLO科研条件平台,在WNLO重点研究方向发挥领军作用,全职到WNLO工作; 

2. ****:具有国内外高水平大学博士学位,年龄不超过40周岁,海外工作和学习三年以上,具有独立科研工作能力和良好发展潜力,学科建设中起到核心骨干作用,能全职到WNLO工作;  

3. 独立实验室的负责人(PI):具有博士学位,年龄不超过50周岁,国外应聘者应担任高水平大学助理教授及以上职位或其他相应职位,国内应聘者应担任教授或相应职位, 主持国家级重大科研项目,能充分发挥和利用WNLO科研条件平台,在WNLO重点研究方向发挥关键作用,全职到WNLO工作; 

4. 青年教师:具有博士学位,年龄不超过40周岁,在相关领域发表过高水平学术论文,具有独立从事科学研究的能力,能充分发挥和利用WNLO科研条件平台,在学科建设中能起到核心骨干作用,承担国家级科研项目,能全职到WNLO工作; 

35. 博士后:具有博士学位,年龄不超过40周岁,在相关领域发表过高水平学术论文,具有良好的合作精神与协调能力,能充分发挥和利用WNLO科研条件平台,做出高水平研究成果,能全职到WNLO工作。 


1. 参照华中科技大学相关政策执行,一事一议。 

2. 首聘期3年内,享受年薪制,并可以额外享受学校教学、科研成果奖励。  

3. 博士后:年收入18万元人民币以上。 







联 系 人:徐 雯 

电子邮箱:wnlohr@ hust.edu.cn 


邮编: 430074 



Principle Investigators, Young Professionals & Post Docs Positions

Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO), is one of the five national laboratories authorized in November 2003 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and also co-sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Hubei Provincial Government and Wuhan Municipal Government. The Laboratory is mainly managed by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and in collaboration with Wuhan Research Institute for Posts and Communications, Wuhan Institute of Mathematics and Physics, CAS and Huazhong Institute of Eelectro-Optics. 

Located in Wuhan·Optics Valley of China, WNLO aims to be a research center, a talent cultivation center and an academic exchange center for Photonics-related topics. It currently has six research pisions in the following fields: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, Laser and Terahertz Technology, Photonics for Energy, Biomedical Photonics, Information Storage and Optical Display, Optoelectronic Detection and Radiation, with more than 330 scientists, engineers, and technicians. WNLO has funded RMB 400 million to establish 14 research platforms and a public opto-electrical test center.  

We invite outstanding scientists to join us in the following research areas: biomedical photonics, information optoelectronics and materials, optoelectronic devices and integration, information storage and optical display, optoelectronic materials and devices for energy, laser technology and its applications, terahertz technology, communication technology and systems, and other related areas.  

Positions & Qualifications:

1. Principle Investigators. Candidates shall have a PhD degree, below the age of 50, and hold an assistant or above professorship (or equivalent position) in overseas prestigious universities, or a professorship (or equivalent position) in mainland universities. Candidates are expected to lead national major scientific research projects, make the best use of available facilities, and play a key role in WNLO’s core research fields and work full-time. Salary and supporting start-up package are to discussed one by one. 

2. The Thousand Talent Plan for Young Professionals. Candidates engaged in scientific researches in the field of Photonics and below the age of 40, shall possess a PhD degree granted by prestigious overseas universities, with formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises, and are able to work full time in China. The young professionals shall have the potential of becoming leading figures in the future. Outstanding PhD students are to recruited in exceptional cases. An ideal supporting package and salary will be provided by HUST and WNLO.  

3. Post-Doctors. Candidates shall have a PhD degree, below the age of 40, have published high quality scientific papers in related fields, and have excellent cooperation and coordination abilities. Annual income is at least more than RMB 180,000. 


1. Application 

The candidates are required to submit the CV including working achievements and the copies of academic degree certificates.  

2. Assessment and interview 

WNLO will evaluate the application materials and schedule an interview. 


Ms. Wen XU, Human Resource Office  

Address: Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics,  

1037 Luo Yu Road, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China  

Phone: 86-27-87792516, 87792223 

Fax: 86-27-87793862 

Email: wnlohr@mail.hust.edu.cn 

Web: http://www.wnlo.cn 





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