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2016-04-05 10:48 文章来源:中国海外人才网

Three faculty, five postdoc and graduate student positions in Biofuels and Biorefinery (Nanjing China)

Location: Nanjing, China

Employer: Nanjing Agricultural University 

College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University (a top national university under Ministry of Education of China) established a group for biomass and biorefinery in Dec. 2015. Three new faculty at any ranks, and five postdoc and graduate student positions have been established within this group led by Prof. Zhen FANG to convert renewable biomass and agricultural wastes to biofuels and chemicals. 

The faculty members will be expected to develop an internationally recognized, externally funded research program and to provide leadership in educational graduate programs in the areas of bioenergy and bio-based products from agricultural wastes. Possible topical areas of this group include thermo-chemical conversion processes, hydrothermal processes, green solvents (ionic liquids, supercritical fluids) for biorefining, synthesis of nanocatalysts for chemicals, biofuels, bio-diesel production processes, biological conversion processes (e.g., microbial oil, algae biodiesel, fermentation for hydrogen, ethanol and butanol), conversion of biomass to liquid, solid and gaseous fuels; separation of bioproducts; integration of biomass production/conversion/utilization concepts; and other relevant topics. The candidates are expected to have a background in chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, agricultural engineering, bio-processing or a related field of engineering, microbiology and chemistry with demonstrated credentials in research, scholarship, supervising students, writing proposals and published papers in high impacted international journals. 

Applicants are invited to send their curriculum vitae, a statement of plan for research, diplomas and the names and addresses of three references to the faculty email and cc email to Prof. Zhen FANG at the same time. 

Contact Information: 


+86-25-58606661 Ms. Li 

+86-25-58606554 Mr. Mao 

Fax: +86-25-58606505 

Email: gxyrcb@njau.edu.cn 


HR Department, College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University 

40 Dianjiangtai Road, Pukou District, 

Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China 

Further information: 

Please contact Prof. Zhen FANG, Leader of Biomass Group, e-mail: zhenfang@njau.edu.cn; Web:


Applications received by May 31, 2016 will receive full consideration; however, the search will continue until a satisfactory pool of candidates has been identified. 




研究内容:生物质化学(预处理,合成,气化,水解,液化,燃烧等)和生物化学转化(如, 微生物油、藻类生物柴油, 发酵制氢和丁醇等)及离子液体和纳米催化剂用于生物炼制。 

申报条件:具有农业工程,化工,化学,机械,微生物和生 化工程及相关专业博士以上学历(实验技术员:化学学士以上和5年工作经验),具有生物质或煤的化学转化(合成,气化,水解,热解,液化,燃烧等)或水热化 学和绿色化学(离子液体和超临界流体)及生物转化研究经历。具有独立工作能力,有在高水平国际刊物发表论文及申请课题的成功经历或能力。 

报名时间: 2016年5月31日前优先考虑(或直到找到满意的人为止)。 

联系方式: 李老师,毛老师 

电 话: 

+86-25-58606661 李老师 


传 真:+86-25-58606505 




发送邮件的同时必须抄送方老师: zhenfang@njau.edu.cn 

生物能源组网址: http://woodrefinery.com/zhenfang/ 







